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Saturday, October 27, 2012

What to Read?

Ah, the perks of being a teacher-- summers off and $200 Amazon gift cards. Well, actually the gift card thing only happened once in the six years that I have been teaching in Baltimore City, but I like to pretend that it is one of the perks. It makes me feel a little better about this whole teaching thing. When I got said Amazon gift card about a month ago, I thought it would be best spent on the new Kindle e-reader (and a pair of boots, obviously). And just because I could, I got the bright pink leather case to go with it.

The first book that I decided to read is Protecting Truth, the second book in a series that is authored by a friend of ours. While the YA sci-fantasty genre is not always the first thing that I choose to read, I am amazed at Michelle's talent. I could never imagine writing a novel-- so much time is put into the craft! Her latest novel came out a few weeks ago, but I decided to wait and order it on my Kindle.

Anyway, that leads me to the next issue at hand. I'm completely overwhelmed with where I should begin in terms of books to read. There are a few that have been on my mental reading list, but I just hadn't made it to the bookstore to get a copy nor had I been able spend the money on so many books. The awesome part about the Kindle, I realize, is that many of the books I would love to read are a fraction of the price of the print edition. In addition, there are a lot of free books available too. I have a few books that I've decided I'll be reading, but knowing that I'll probably plow through those pretty quickly, I'd love to hear your suggestions especially if you've read some free books that were especially outstanding.

So what have you been reading lately?

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